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Taking Charge of Your Health

 “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

This age-old adage may seem a bit simplistic in today’s complex world, but it underscores the importance of what we eat as a cornerstone of health. As conventional wisdom has taught, so the scientists and nutritionists now concur: the high intake of fruits and vegetables in a well-balanced diet is healthy for you. Nutritionists now recommend at least five or more servings a day of healthful, vitamin-packed vegetables and fruits. Apples are one of the most amazing fruits available, and according to several recent studies, they can even significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In the Women’s Health Study survey of 40,000 women, the results were phenomenal: women eating an apple a day reduced their risk by 13 to 22%. https://www.pritikin.com/your-health/healthy-living/eating-right/829-an-apple-a-day-really-does-keep-the-doctor-away.html

Of course, life is much more complicated than it was for our predecessors. Few of us live on farms anymore, and the family vegetable garden is largely a relic of the past. Even with the best of intentions, we may not always have access to healthful, vitamin-packed yet unprocessed foods. We eat more but we often don’t eat as well, or our lives are too busy to prepare the most authentic and wholesome cuisines. Taking charge of your health now means more than excellent food preparation and outdoor exercise in clean, fresh air. Today taking charge of your health requires a balanced, holistic approach which includes all aspects of the mind-body-spirit connection.

Fortunately, there are any number of ways to take charge of your health. We now have an endless array of information on the most productive and beneficial ways to approach health issues. Every one of has the opportunity to develop a personal, individualized health plan that fits into our own schedules. The first step is to make a commitment to take charge of your health. Once you are uniquely motivated and ready to set your plan into motion, the rest can be as simple and fun as riding a bicycle along a scenic trail every day—it’s up to you.

One effective way to start a successful health plan is to take a good look at where you are, health-wise, right now, and where you would like to be three months from now. Do a searching inventory of your assets and liabilities. Ask yourself questions. Possible starting points for taking stock may include some of my favorites: Do I need to lose weight? Do I need to re-think my eating habits? Do I need to implement a daily exercise program? Do I have adequate social support? When was the last time I gave myself permission to take a day off to go to the spa? Write a list of your own personal concerns and areas where improvement is indicated. Give yourself enough time to really consider every aspect of your life as it is now, and where you see a need for change.

Taking action. Every health improvement plan is only as good as you make it. This step requires taking the necessary steps in your life to make significant and life-enhancing changes. For those of us who are so busy with work and families, sometimes we overlook our own health needs. We don’t have time to join a gym, or we feel less than enthusiastic when the real work begins. If you are finding excuses to put off your own health concerns, whatever they may be, now is the time to take action. Today is all we have. The present is a gift. Open it up and be happily surprised.

There are a myriad of ways to boost your moods and emotions in healthful ways. One enlightening website, www.happify.com, has numerous fun and edutaining activities where you can learn more about your own unique personality while also improving in areas of concern. The site combines visual graphics, fast-moving games, and personal surveys to assess your strengths and train your mind to optimum levels of positivity.

Taking charge of your health can be as simple as walking more often, spending time at a park or beach, or meditating every morning on your yoga mat. For some with special challenges, the road to excellent health may be more complex and require specific medical care and attention. Whatever your health issues are and however you decide to approach them, taking charge of your health begins with that all-important first step. And don’t forget to pack an apple with you, wherever the road may lead.

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Author: aleta